CMMI Institute

Lead Appraiser Training

Mastering Course

This course provides the critical training necessary for qualified individuals to continue on their pathway to become a Certified CMMI Lead Appraiser. Following successful course completion, CMMI Lead Appraiser candidates then participate in an Observation to complete their certification process.   

An approved application and completion of precourse eLearning assignment, which includes self-study of the Method Definition Document (MDD) and creation of a draft appraisal plan, are required for this course. Applications must be received 12 weeks before the start of the course, to allow sufficient time for application processing and completion of precourse assignments.

What I will learn in this course?

  • The criticality of CMMI appraisal quality and ethics for maintaining the reliability of the CMMI appraisal method.
  • The role of the Appraisal Team Leader (ATL) and the application of CMMI appraisals using the Method Definition Document (MDD).
  • The use of CMMI appraisals for evaluating and improving the business performance of an organization.
  • Important requirements and parameters for conducting multiple domain appraisals and multiple organizational unit appraisals.
  • An opportunity to building proficiency by practicing the skills and abilities critical to success as a CMMI Lead Appraiser.
  • How to help organizations gain insight into their process capability or organizational maturity by identifying process strengths and weaknesses as related to the practices in the CMMI model..

Who should take this course?

What do I need for this course?

The course is composed of lectures and class exercises with time allotted for student questions and discussion. The format of this course requires that students actively participate and must be present for all six days of the course. Students will be assessed on their precourse assignment, class participation, final assignment, and end of course assessment.

Prerequisite Information

Before registering for the CMMI Lead Appraiser Training course, students must:

  • Pass the CMMI Professional Exam.
  • Submit and obtain approval for a Lead Appraiser certification application along with all the respective documents required to enter the program and demonstrate the required experience.
  • Gain sponsorship from a Licensed CMMI Partner under which they will complete their Lead Appraiser Training and Observation.
  • Be an Appraisal Team Member (ATM) on at least 2 recorded appraisals within 24 months of the training course.
  • Be able to read, write, and speak understandable English. You will not pass this course if you cannot demonstrate this requirement. If you are a non-native English speaker, we strongly recommend that you provide your TOEFL score as demonstration of this prerequisite. Throughout the course, you will be required to present and discuss technical concepts in English.
Please see the Lead Appraiser Certification page for more details.

Precourse Preparation

Eight weeks before the course, registered students will receive a precourse eLearning assignment. The assignment is to be completed in advance of the in-course instruction and will serve as input to the hands-on exercises introduced in the classroom. This assignment is designed to develop important skills and capabilities.

What do I get from this course?

  • A certificate of completion. 
  • Completion of a prerequisite requirement to become a CMMI Lead Appraiser.
  • Completion of a prerequisite requirement to become a CMMI High Maturity Lead Appraiser.
  • Become a Candidate CMMI Lead Appraiser and move into the Observation phase of earning the Lead Appraiser Certification.

$10000.00 Mastering Course

6 Days Time Commitment

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When is the next course?

    No upcoming courses.

Questions about the Lead Appraiser Training Course?

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