CMMI Institute Partner Directory

Our Partners are licensed to deliver authentic services through highly trained individuals.

MK Innovation Consulting

MK Innovation Consulting

Dreams, 2D/1007, LBS Marg, Bhandup West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400078

Phone: +91 9967763739


About Us


Areas of Focus

  • CMMI Appraisal Services

Countries/Regions Served

  • India

Languages Spoken

  • English

Sponsored Individuals

Rajarshi Kumar Das

Certified High Maturity Lead Appraiser
Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Building Service Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - High Maturity Concepts
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor BOC
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Instructor V3.0 SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - VSD
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-HM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Vinay Gulati

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Building Service Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Instructor V3.0 SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - VSD
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Puthucode Ratnagiri Guru Ganesh

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Building Service Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor BOC
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Instructor V3.0 SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC

Mangesh Katalkar

Certified High Maturity Lead Appraiser
Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - VSD
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DATA
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-HM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-PPL
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SAF
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SEC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Mohammad Amir Khan

Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DATA
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-PPL
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SAF
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SEC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Gururaj Managuli

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Building Service Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - High Maturity Concepts
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor BOC
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Instructor V3.0 SVC

Rajiv Shetye

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Building Service Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Instructor V3.0 SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-HM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Meenakshi Sundaresan

Certified Instructor BOC
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Instructor V3.0 SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

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