CMMI Institute Partner Directory

Our Partners are licensed to deliver authentic services through highly trained individuals.

NEC Corporation

NEC Corporation

1753, Shimonumabe, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-si, Kanagawa 211-8666, Japan

Phone: +81-(0)3-3454-1111


About Us

NEC Corporation initiated Software Quality Control activity in 1981 and has been struggling for model-based process improvement from 1989. We applied several models, such as SW-CMM, CMMI, SPICE and ISO/IEC 15504, considering the organizations features. Organizational domain involves development of embedded software, OS, middleware, business application system, switching system and so on. Our consulting staff contributed more than 100 organizations process improvement in total. We will provide helpful and effective SPI related consulting and training services based on the rich experience and knowledge on system and software process improvement. Currently we have five SCAMPI Lead Appraisers, five CMMI Instructors, six CBA-IPI Lead Assessors and one PSP Instructor.

Areas of Focus

  • CMMI Training
  • CMMI Appraisal Services

Countries/Regions Served

  • China
  • Germany
  • Japan

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Japanese

Sponsored Individuals

Toshihiro Komiyama

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor BOC
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - VSD
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Kengo Morimoto

Candidate Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

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