CMMI Institute Partner Directory

Our Partners are licensed to deliver authentic services through highly trained individuals.

Wuhan WITT Information Technology

Wuhan WITT Information Technology

No.702, Building 2, Future Light, Luoyu East Road, Hongshan Distribute, Wuhan, Hubei, China

Phone: +86-27-87298272

Fax: +86-27-87298272


About Us


Areas of Focus

  • CMMI Training
  • CMMI Appraisal Services
  • CMMI High Maturity Appraisal Service

Countries/Regions Served

  • China

Languages Spoken

  • English
  • Chinese

Sponsored Individuals

Huey-Der Chu

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor BOC
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV

Hillel Glazer

Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - VSD
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Margaret Glover

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Building Service Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - High Maturity Concepts
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Instructor V3.0 SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - VSD
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Aditya Goel

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Building Safety Excellence
Certified Instructor - Building Security Excellence
Certified Instructor - Building Service Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor BOC
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Instructor V3.0 SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - SAF
Certified Lead Appraiser - SEC
Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - VSD
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-HM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-PPL
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SAF
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SEC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Chao-Pin Lee

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV

Fang Liu

Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - VSD
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Paul Riviere

Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SEC
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM

Jun Song

Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV

Qian (Cici) Yang

Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Tao Zhang

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor - VSD
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - VSD
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Haoheng Zhang

Certified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0
Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0
Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade Training
Certified Instructor BOC
Certified Instructor V3.0 DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - VSD
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRT

Heng Zhou

Certified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEV
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPM
Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC

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