Wuhan WITT Information Technology No.702, Building 2, Future Light, Luoyu East Road, Hongshan Distribute, Wuhan, Hubei, China Phone: +86-27-87298272 Fax: +86-27-87298272 Website BPOC Haoheg Zhang About Us Areas of Focus CMMI TrainingCMMI Appraisal ServicesCMMI High Maturity Appraisal Service Countries/Regions Served China Languages Spoken EnglishChinese Sponsored Individuals Huey-Der ChuCertified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade TrainingCertified Instructor - VSDCertified Instructor BOCCertified Instructor V3.0 DEVHillel GlazerCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser - VSDCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPMCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVCCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRTMargaret GloverCertified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0Certified Instructor - Building Service Excellence V2.0Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0Certified Instructor - High Maturity ConceptsCertified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade TrainingCertified Instructor - VSDCertified Instructor V3.0 DEVCertified Instructor V3.0 SVCCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser - VSDCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVCCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRTAditya GoelCertified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0Certified Instructor - Building Safety ExcellenceCertified Instructor - Building Security ExcellenceCertified Instructor - Building Service Excellence V2.0Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade TrainingCertified Instructor - VSDCertified Instructor BOCCertified Instructor V3.0 DEVCertified Instructor V3.0 SVCCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser - SAFCertified Lead Appraiser - SECCertified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser - VSDCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-PPLCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SAFCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SECCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPMCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVCCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRTChao-Pin LeeCertified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade TrainingCertified Instructor V3.0 DEVCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVFang LiuCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser - VSDCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRTPaul RiviereCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SECCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPMJun SongCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVQian (Cici) YangCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPMCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRTTao ZhangCertified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade TrainingCertified Instructor - VSDCertified Instructor V3.0 DEVCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser - VSDCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRTHaoheng ZhangCertified Instructor - Building Development Excellence V2.0Certified Instructor - Foundations of Capability V2.0Certified Instructor - Partner-Led CMMI V2.0 Upgrade TrainingCertified Instructor BOCCertified Instructor V3.0 DEVCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser - VSDCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPMCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-VRTHeng ZhouCertified Lead Appraiser - DEV V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser - SVC V2.0Certified Lead Appraiser CMMI-DEVCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SPMCertified Lead Appraiser CMMI-SVC Edit this profile