CMMI Model & Viewer Release Notes

Current and previous release information on CMMI Model and Model Viewer.

Click here for CMMI Model Content Release Notes.

Technical Release Notes:

Model Viewer Release 3.0.0 - April 6, 2023

New features:
  • Updated Model Viewer content to v3.0
  • Switched Model View default domain view to Model View: ALL, Level 5, Context: ALL
  • Added ability to download current and previous model version
  • Updated automation tests
  • Made several performance and infrastructure enhancements
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed issue where Appendix E: Glossary displays were slightly different depending on where they were selected from
  • Fixed issue where Related PAs were not opening by changing the view

Model Viewer Release 2.1.10 - July 14, 2022

  • Enhanced Search function to include section headers within the PAs for ease of locating information
  • Added the ability to display Related Practice Areas across views
  • Performance enhancements to improve Model Viewer load and search speed
  • Adjusted PA iconography and graphics for consistent sizing
  • Incorporated ability to resize Overview and Appendix windows
  • Incorporate ability to pop-out/resize graphics in a separate window
  • Multiple security enhancements
  • Various minor User Interface (UI) enhancements
  • Added additional automated testing
  • Added separate Glossary Menu Option (Model Viewer)


Model Release 2.2 – March 10, 2021

Executive Summary:   Major updates for release CMMI V2.2 include:

1) Addition of Capability Area: Managing Security and Safety

2) Addition of Practice Areas

- Enabling Virtual Solution Delivery (EVSD)
- Enabling Safety (ESAF)
- Enabling Security (ESEC)

- Managing Security Threats and Vulnerabilities (MST)

3) Addition of Context Specific information for Safety and Security across core and domain Practice Areas

4) Addition of Maturity Level 1 information and views

5) Update of Planning (PLAN), Governance (GOV), and Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) to incorporate Empowered Workgroups (EWG) and Communication and Coordination (COCO), both from the People-CMM

6) Removal of content/Practice Area references to "future" throughout the CMMI model, as a result of the addition of current content

7) Removal of Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) as a core Practice Area, but SAM remains as part of the Supplier Management Benchmark Model View and the Selecting and Managing Suppliers Capability Area

8) Update of graphics to account for:

- New Capability Area
- New Practice Areas
- Removal of SAM as a core Practice Area
- Maturity Level 1

- Minor editorial updates, including copyright information

9) Update of Intent and Value statements for general formatting, grammar consistency, plain language, and focus on performance

10) Update of the agile with Scrum Context Tag information for clarity 

11) Update of Related Practice Area information

12) Incorporation of additional edits based on over 200 punchlist items from the community, including general formatting and editorial updates for consistency and clarity

Release 2.2 Details

Item Description
Overview Part One: About CMMI and Executive Summary
- Added details to the Practice Area section to clarify in some cases the Additional Required Information section of the Practice Area includes required information specific to a selected view.
- Updated Practice Group characteristic descriptions for each practice group level.  
Appendices Appendix A: Core Practice Areas, Categories, and Capability Areas
- Capability Area: Managing the Workforce - removed information for Practices Areas of Compensation and Rewards (COMP), Staffing and Workforce Management (SWM), and Empowered Workgroups (EWG). Added Practice Area of Enabling Virtual Solution Delivery (EVSD)
- Capability Area: Supporting Implementation - removed information for Practice Area of Communication and Coordination (COCO).
- Removed Capability Area: Managing Safety and corresponding Practice Areas.
- Removed Capability Area: Managing Security and corresponding Practice Areas.
- Added Capability Area: Managing Security and Safety and Practice Areas of Enabling Safety, Enabling Security, Managing Security Threats and Vulnerabilities.
Appendix E: Glossary
- Updates to current glossary terms for clarity and consistency.
- Addition of glossary terms: domain, empowerment, service and view.
- Addition of glossary terms associated with the new Capability Area: Managing Security and Safety.
Instructions Updated the Model Viewer Instructions, available from the top menu bar in the Model Viewer, to be aligned to the current Model Viewer functionality and corresponding screenshots.
Context Specific Sections Addition of context specific information for Security and Safety to applicable Practice Areas.
Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR) DAR 3.1 - Incorporated additional information on decision-making processes and decision-making authority.
Enabling Safety (ESAF) Addition of new Practice Area, aligned to Capability Area: Managing Security and Safety.
Enabling Security (ESEC) Addition of new Practice Area, aligned to Capability Area: Managing Security and Safety.
Enabling Virtual Solution Delivery (EVSD) Addition of new Practice Area, aligned to Capability Area: Managing the Workforce.
Governance (GOV) Revised Intent statement.
Updated Additional Required PA Information.
GOV 1.1 - Incorporated empowerment and communication.
GOV 2.1 - Updated practice statement to include "performance." Incorporated additional information on operational parameters, empowerment mechanisms, handling of concerns, and communication.
GOV 2.2 - Updated Additional Required Information.
GOV 2.4 - Updated practice statement to include "assigns authority" and "performance." Updated Additional Required Information. Incorporated additional information on roles, responsibility, authority, and decision making.
Implementation Infrastructure (II) Revised Intent statement.
II 2.1 - Updated Additional Required Information.
II 2.2 - Updated Additional Required Information.
II 3.1 - Updated Additional Required Information.
Managing Performance and Measurement (MPM) MPM 3.1 - Minor update to practice statement.
MPM 5.3 - Removal of first comma from practice statement. 
Managing Security Threats and Vulnerabilities (MST) Addition of new Practice Area, aligned to Capability Area: Managing Security and Safety.
Planning (PLAN) Simplified the Intent statement.
Updated Additional Required PA Information to include the expected scope of planning, which was previously incorporated into the Intent.
Updated Additional PA Explanatory Information to incorporate information about planning for various levels of an organization, e.g., workgroups.
PLAN 2.1 - Incorporated additional information on communication.
PLAN 2.4 - Incorporated additional information on workgroups and communication.
PLAN 2.7 - Incorporated Communication Plan in the list of overall project plans.
PLAN 3.2 - Removed first comma from practice statement.
PLAN 3.4 - Incorporated additional information on communication and coordination.
Process Asset Development (PAD) Revised Intent statement.
Process Management (PCM) Revised Intent statement.
Process Quality Assurance (PQA) Revised Intent statement.
PQA 2.2 - Updated practice statement for clarity.
Product Integration (PI) Revised Intent statement.
Strategic Service Management (STSM) STSM 3.1 - Minor update to practice statement.
Supplier Agreement Management (SAM) SAM 4.1 - Updated Additional Required Information for clarity.
Supplier Source Selection (SSS) Revised Intent statement.

Model Viewer Release 2.1.01 - May 19, 2020

Executive Summary: Release of Model Viewer V2.1.01, including Capability Views, the addition of the draft EVSD Practice Area, updates to the Glossary

Addition of Service Practice Areas:

  •  The draft of the new Enabling Virtual Solution Delivery (EVSD) PA to the Services Domain Model View and Managing the Workforce Capability Area View

Addition of Capability Area Views:

  • Ensuring Quality

  • Engineering and Developing Products

  • Delivering and Managing Services

  • Selecting and Managing Suppliers

  • Planning and Managing Work

  • Managing Business Resilience

  • Managing the Workforce

  • Supporting Implementation

  • Improving Performance

  • Sustaining Habit and Persistence

Addition of new terms to Glossary

Additional minor model edits to address community feedback.

Reorganization of model PDF with bookmark navigation, and individual table of contents for the three major sections - Section 1: Overview, Section 2: Practice Areas,
Section 3: Appendices.

Technical updates

  • Model Viewer interface has been updated for ease of use

  • Removed redundant navigation

  • Search now preserves options selected within the Model Viewer and includes the Overview and Appendices

  • Search results for Overview and Appendices are now clickable and take you to the relevant section

  • Unused PDF functionality has been removed from the Domain and Practice Areas

  • Updated copyright and privacy information at the bottom of the Model Viewer

  • Fixed a few small bugs reported by the community


Model Release 2.1 - December 4, 2018

Executive Summary: Release of CMMI V2.1, including views Development, Services, Supplier Management

Addition of Service Practice Areas:

  • Continuity (CONT)
  • Incident Resolution and Prevention (IRP)
  • Service Delivery Management (SDM)
  • Strategic Service Management (STSM)

Addition Supplier Management Practice Area:

  • Supplier Source Selection (SSS)

Incorporation of capacity and availability management concepts across core Practice Areas.

Change to name of Capability Area: Building and Sustaining Capability to Sustaining Habit and Persistence.

Addition of Context Specific information for Services and Supplier Management across core and domain Practice Areas.

Additional edits to address feedback from the community, including minor updates to the Overview and Appendix sections of the model.

Technical updates

  • Model Viewer has been updated to work better on tablets and mobile devices
  • Removed redundant navigational landing page
  • Search now preserves options selected within the Model Viewer
  • PDF's have been removed from the deepest levels of the Model Viewer
  • PDF downloading has been sped up significantly
  • Disclaimer has been moved to the bottom of the Model Viewer
  • Fixed a number of small bugs reported by the community (Thank you!)

Release 2.1 Details




Updated graphics to reflect all current view information.
Part One: About CMMI and Executive Summary -  Added clarity to the Practice Area section with respect to Related Practice Areas - The PA(s) reflected in this section represent common relationships, but are not intended to be reflective of all possible relationships.  In the Practices and Context Specific Section sub-sections, changed "optional" to "as needed." this change since this is not an option for the user.) Language Conventions: Replaced or with and within "manage plans and activities." Added additional examples of domains for context specific information.
Part Three: Process Persistence and Habit - Added sentence to the section on Governance - The GOV practices are applied to processes, and their implementation and improvement, not to CMMI model practices.
Part Four: Achieving High Maturity - Updated to clarify High Maturity.


Updated future references and graphics to reflect and Practice Area information.
Appendix A: Core Practice Areas, Categories, and Capability Areas - Changed name. Added new graphics to depict core Practice Areas and domain Practice Areas.
Appendix E: Glossary - Updated terms for clarity and consistency. Addition of "or" to the glossary.
Appendix F: Acronyms - Adjusted list to align to acronyms being referenced.
Appendix G: CMMI V2.0 Development History - Added information to reflect releases in 2018.
Appendix I: Acknowledgements - Corrected some names.

Related Practice Areas

Updated order of Practices Areas in alphabetical order, when multiple are listed.
Adjusted format to Practice Area name and acronym for simplicity and consistency.
Added information to reflect Practice Area relationships.

Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR)

CAR 3.2 - Added the following statement to Additional Explanatory Information - "These action proposals address the removal of root cause so that they do not recur."

Configuration Management (CM)

CM 2.3 - Added further information to Example Work Products table, baselines entry. Added further information to Example Activities, the entry for "Make the current set of baselines available."
CM 2.4 - Added further explanation information Example Activities, entry for "Perform reviews or testing... "

Continuity (CONT)

Addition of new Service Practice Area


GOV 2.2:  Updated practice statement to reflect resources and training.

Implementation Infrastructure

Additional PA Explanatory Information: Replaced documented with recorded.
II 2.1: Updated practice statement to reflect developing and performing processes.

Incident Resolution and Prevention (IRP)

Addition of new Service Practice Area

Managing Performance and Measurement (MPM)

MPM 3.1: Removed statement about referring to Glossary.

Monitor and Control (MC)

Addition of capacity and availability management concepts to Additional Practice Area Explanatory Information.

Planning (PLAN)

Addition of capacity and availability management concepts in Required Practice Area Information of the Intent, Additional Required Information, and Additional Practice Area Explanatory Information.
Reviewed instances of "or" in the context of risk and opportunities, and corrected incorrect references to "and" versus "or".
PLAN 2.2: Updated value statement.
PLAN 2.5: Changed product to solution in Example Work Products table.

Process Quality Assurance (PQA)

Additional PA Explanatory Information: Added new sentence at the end of the first paragraph to describe senior management's role.
PQA 2.3: Example Activities - Further Explanation - Added statement about reporting to senior management.

Product Integration

PI 2.2 - Changed "make" to "build" in Example Work Products table.

Requirements Development and Management (RDM)

RDM 3.1: Added an item to the Example Activities table for reviewing requirements for potential impact to architecture and design.

Risk and Opportunity Management (RSK)

Reviewed instances of "or" in the context of risk and opportunities, and corrected incorrect references to "and" versus "or".
Additional PA Explanatory Information: Added additional bullet points that relate to timeliness of response, significance, and chances of situation occurring.

Service Delivery Management (SDM)

Addition of new Service Practice Area

Strategic Service Management (STSM)

Addition of new Service Practice Area

Supplier Agreement Management (SAM)

SAM 4.1: Revised Additional Required Information to clarify the use of statistical versus quantitative techniques.

Supplier Source Selection (SSS)

Addition of new Supplier Management Practice Area

Verification and Validation (VV)

VV 2.3:  Added new first row to Example Activities table, to reflect identification of criteria.
VV 3.2: Added further explanation in the Example Activities table with respect to defect, error, and issue analysis.

Context Information

Addition of context specific information for Services and Supplier Management.

Other General Updates to CMMI Model
(all sections)

Adjusted punctuation, use of parenthesis, and use of quotes for consistent formatting.
Adjusted capitalization and use of acronyms for consistency.
Adjusted sentence structure to avoid passive verb tenses.
Adjusted graphics for minor clarifications and to reflect current view and Practice Area information.
Adjusted titles and figures for simplicity and accuracy.


Model Release 2.0 - March 23, 2018

Executive Summary: Initial release of CMMI V2.0, including the Development view.

Release 2.0 Details



Model Overview

Initial release of Overview information, including the following parts:
Part One: About CMMI and Executive Summary
Part Two: Successfully Adopting CMMI
Part Three: Process Persistence and Habit
Part Four: Achieving High Maturity

Model Appendix

Initial release of Appendix information, including the following appendices:
Appendix A: Categories and Capability Areas
Appendix B: Predefined Model Views - Maturity and Capability Levels
Appendix C: CMMI Adoption and Transition Resources
Appendix D: Common Myths and Misperceptions
Appendix E: Glossary
Appendix F: Acronyms
Appendix G: CMMI Development History
Appendix H: References
Appendix I: Acknowledgements

Practice Areas

Initial release of core Practice Areas:
- Causal Analysis and Resolution
- Configuration Management
- Decision Analysis and Resolution
- Estimating
- Governance
- Implementation Infrastructure
- Managing Performance and Measurement
- Monitor and Control
- Organizational Training
- Peer Reviews
- Planning
- Process Asset Development
- Process Management
- Process Quality Assurance
- Requirements Development and Management
- Risk and Opportunity Management
- Supplier Agreement Management
- Verification and Validation

Initial release of Development Practice Areas:
- Product Integration
- Technical Solution