CMMI Institute

Capability Counts 2020

21 April & 22 April, 2020

Crystal City, , VA

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Software's Eating the World: The Best Software Company Wins

April 22

1:30 PM - 2:05 PM

Mark Andreessen wrote a 2011 OpEd in the WSJ "Why Software Is Eating The World." He posited that every company will have to become a software company. In a 2019 interview he affirms this statement and adds that "The best software company will win." He then describes a trend in business where software and the companies that make it are treated much in the same way that VCs look at investment opportunities—using economics and probabilities. What does that mean to us as CMMI practitioners? It means OPPORTUNITY. But only if we bring ideas that support where the market is heading. Product Development Flow is one such idea that also paves a way for high maturity CMMI and competitiveness.
