CMMI Institute

Capability Counts 2020

21 April & 22 April, 2020

Crystal City, , VA

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Speaker Profile

Margaret Tanner Glover, CEO

Excellence in Measurement


Margaret Tanner Glover is a former Captain in the U.S. Air Force and worked as a Project/Program Manager in the Telecom/IT Industry as a Director of Software Process Improvement at US Robotics/ 3Com Corp, which involved writing Design Control procedures for the electro-mechanical products for all the Engineering functions with the building and delivery of modems and IT products. Margaret uses worldwide industry best practices in Project Management. Margaret is a specialist in metrics and measurement analysis with implementation of statistical process control of defect density and productivity analysis with the result to improve customer satisfaction and business revenue.


CMMI V2.0 to CMMC Crosswalk: Translating CMMI V2.0 to CMMC

Conference Track: Security

The new Cybersecurity Maturity Model requirements may seem daunting, but if your organization has achieved CMMI v2.0 Level 3 then you have a head start to CMMC compliance. This presentation crosswalks CMMI v2.0 Practice Areas to specific CMMC Capabilities and Levels. Many of the processes and procedures that you have in place will be useful during your CMMC appraisal. Even the CMMC technical solutions require policies and procedures. Don’t recreate what is already working for your organization. Reuse and adapt for CMMC success.

Understanding the CMMC within the Security Landscape of Other Models, Regulations, and Standards

Conference Track: Tutorial

Additional fee to attend: $250 Using existing models (CMMI, RMM), regulations (CFR, DFARS), and Standards (NIST, ISO) to help explain and obtain compliance to CMMC. This tutorial will cover the requirements for compliance and understanding of the new CyberSecurity Maturity Model Certification. This includes the Taxonomy of Maturity Levels, Processes and Capabilities. We will be using the CMMI V2 to explain what CMMI Practice Areas Fully Correlate, Largely Correlate, Partially Correlate and where they Do Not Correlate to the 17 Domains in the CMMC requirements. Where is Partially or Does Not Correlate we will bring in other models and standards (CERT RMM and ISO 27001) that are in the listed in the CMMC Appendix within the Capabilities for each Domain and explain what they mean and how to meet thee requirements. The majority of the CMMC Domains originated from the Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 200 security-related areas and the NIST SP 800-171 control families.