CMMI Institute

Capability Counts 2020

21 April & 22 April, 2020

Crystal City, , VA

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CMMI Dev V2.0, The High Maturity Approach

April 21

11:45 AM - 12:20 AM

This presentation is a real case example to demonstrate the full thread with data. The content is planned to cover the following points: - An overview of IBM HM solution, how it was redesigned to meet CMMI DEV 2.0 High Maturity practices requirements - With one actual example covering the selection of QPPOs, periodical metrics analysis and monitoring, common and assignable causes of variation, how they are analyzed and how improvement solutions are selected, validation with statistical methods - How the improvement solution realized at project level was generalized at ORG level, with a study of 250+ project CARs - How the CAR study was used to trigger large scale improvements - Benefits realized at ORG level - How the overall benefits were summarized as part of the performance report Example of real improvements achieved: (and this is already part of the IBM press release, numbers are already published there) - Net Promoter Score (NPS), a key indicator of client satisfaction and loyalty, improved by +16 points (LTM basis). - Also, by leveraging mature practices, IBM assets and accelerators along with performance management, they were able to achieve greater than 95% on-time project performance. - Code Quality Index improved by 20%, to become above industry best practice(industry BP for CQI is 3.0 on a scale of 1 - 4)"


  • Sherine Anwar Business Analytics and Strategy Consultant - CMMI High Maturity Eminence Leader IBM